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Our partners

Mixa is part of the Considi group


Considi, a consulting company created in 1980 and synonymous with TPS (Toyota Production System), has been among the first ones in Italy to understand the need for a lean organizational approach in supporting entrepreneurs and managers towards an effective and efficient corporate organization. It has long maintained the idea that the market is an ever changing environment and therefore also the traditional TPS (Toyota Production System) has evolved into Toyota Profit System, an all-round corporate management system. The tenets of lean production can be applied to all business functions with an approach that aims at increasing the value for clients down the whole supply chain. The core skills of Considi are articulated into 4 main strands:

  • Operation : improving productive processes; from order entry to shipment passing through manufacturing.
  • Innovation : improving product development processes, from design to product.
  • Organization : improving service management processes.
  • Business Innovation :bridge the innovation gap existing in companies.

In the context of the above mentioned areas of expertise we have developed:

  • Proprietary tools to support interventions with customers that are distinctive in the application of TPS methodologies (logos, Proacta, Acta).
  • Training courses and specialized seminaries for the spreading of Lean Corporate Culture, also in partnership with Confindustria Veneto and Emilia Romagna, employing practical classroom simulations.
  • A methodology for the definition and management control of strategies in sectorial analyses and competitive profiles (Dojo strategy). 

Vitale-Zane & Co.

Vitale – Zane & Co (VNZ) is a strategic-economic consulting firm created and chaired by Marco Vitale, with Stefano Zane as CEO.

VNZ was created in 2003, on the basis of a previous collaboration between founding partners and it brings with it the great expertise of Marco Vitale who, after a long experience as partner of Arthur Andersen, in 1979 founded an independent strategic consulting firm. This has established itself as a protagonist of the Italian economic development, assisting companies and entrepreneurs in many relevant entrepreneurial stories.

VNZ operates in the field of strategic and economic consulting with a focus on medium-sized enterprises and SMEs, above all family businesses and it supports them in the process of a strategic, cultural, operational and financial development.

Its activities include the design of development projects for internal and external lines, partners research, M&A, development of management control systems, due diligence, company evaluations, corporate and financial reorganization and restructuring, identification of appropriate sources of financing, support under company profile of listing processes or other recourses to financial market, support in the transition of generational turnover, training workshop in the areas of expertise. 

CHR was created to provide management and strategic consulting applied to HR.

Recognized professionals support a supply system strongly focused on the development and growth of the intellectual and organizational capital of companies.

CHR introduces a consulting model aspiring to evolve and improve professional and organizational skills through innovative and lean services and tools.

CHR’s offer system aims at developing and proposing projects to consolidate, strengthen and improve organizational structures.

CHR is capable of interpreting the needs of both simple and complex businesses, designing and implementing consulting solutions suited to the form and size of the client company.

The experience gained by CHR partners involves the consolidation of an important and well-rooted network in the area, which is essential to manage middle and top management researches. The methodology besides seeking ad hoc recruitment approaches, uses tools such as job profiling, assessment, reference collection and onboarding whose strategic objective is precisely to help new employees in the acquisition of all the tools to be fully integrated and, therefore, performing.

The Organization is analyzed and interpreted as a mix of strategy, structure, systems, style, skills and values. Knowledge management, mapping and assessment of skills, coaching, designing and delivering of training courses, defining individual and team incentive systems are the distinctive elements defining our approach linked to the improvement and development of organizations and people. 


Prorob srl was created in 2017 as an innovative startup, stemming from the intuition and initiative of three PHD engineers who have conducted research activities at the University of Padua, University of California Irvine and Columbia University with the goal of creating innovation in Italian SMEs. 

During their research activities , the founders have collected experiences with various types of technologies and systems at the state of the art in the areas of computer science, mechanics and electronic. Thanks to such soft skills the team started building a proprietary platform made up of hardware and software models (framework pROnET-IOt) designed to interface the physical world of objects (robot, sensors, machines, etc), presenting data and notifications on PC, tablet, smartphones and smartwatches, and to create automated workflows. 

The core modules of the framework have been designed to be configured in a rapid and efficient way on the basis of client requests so to ensure maximum flexibility and transferability to different application scopes. 

In addition to he innovative product ProNet-IoT, PROROB offers support and consulting services, research and development of innovative solutions, design and development of hardware-software solutions and training in the field of system integrations, company digitalization, smart manufacturing and industry 4.0, automatization and robotics, advanced industrial vision and software custom. 


We promote the creation of innovative ideas through the systematic analysis of the problem and scientific research, patenting and of the market, as to identify optimal and sub-optimal solutions. We use scientific methods to analyze and solve complex and non traditional problems. We design, develop and engineer the sought solutions, in full or in part, promoting structured, modular and optimized ones. 


We foster the development of smart and interconnected factories creating values through the maximization of the productive workflow. We develop and integrate tailored solutions to connect productive systems and management softwares (ERP, MES/ MOM, WMS, CMMS, LIMS) through the proprietary platform PronET-ioT. 


We design and develop custom hardware-software solutions on request in the field of mechatronics, automatization, robotics, artificial vision and specific software. 


We offer training activities for continuing professional training courses and specialized in the field “automation and robotics” taught by PHD engineers. We hold training course on human-machine and human-robot collaboration. We provide support and consulting encompassing every aspect of Industry 4.0 transformation, up to the drafting of certifications or reports and technical analysis to benefit from the incentives provided by The National Plan of Industry 4.0. 


Sinedi is a management consulting firm founded in 2000 by managers with years of experience in industrial businesses with an international dimension, who set to create a team to provide customers with skills and tools for competitive analysis, strategic planning, organization, control and company governance. In accordance with the best international standards (best practices). Sinedi performs consulting interventions characterized by a practical and rapid approach, engaging both the management and staff of client companies with targeted actions leading to success and full satisfaction.

Specifically, to guide client companies in the identification and achievement of goals, Sinedi offers integrated consulting services in the following fields: 

Strategy and organization

  • Drafting industrial plans of development and renovation;
  • Organizational and strategic positioning check -ups;
  • Management of corporate relations: generational handovers, relationship management;
  • Management consulting. 

Decision support system

  • Management design and operational systems of control;
  • Identification of Key Performance Indicators and incentive systems;
  • Check up of business information systems (business process engineering)
  • Implementation of new informative systems (Enterprise Resource Planning), software & vendor selection, business intelligence models to measure performance. 

Extraordinary finance & internazionalitation 

  • Support in operations of Mergers&Acquisition, through the identification of potentially interested investors, both in Italy and abroad;
  • Management of intervention projects on capital;
  • Coordination and consulting in the field of business due intelligence, accounting due intelligence, legal, fiscal and environmental.

Sviluppo Formazione

Sviluppo e formazione is a company that has long been in the field of specialized corporate consulting in matters of subsidized finance and funded personnel training.

To say it differently our precise core businesses are development and training.

We can help you sustaining the growth of your activity or the realization of your business idea in an advantageous way. Our goal is to increase the value of your HR with high quality funded training processes. 

Strategia & Controllo

Strategia & Controllo is a management consulting firm, founded in 1999 by Alessandra Gruppi and Michele Reali, specialized in supporting companies in growth, strategic planning and control, managerialization and digital transformation.
In 2014, with the entry of Gianmarco Zanchetta as a partner, the company expanded its offerings to include activities supporting generational transitions and M&A.

Strategia & Controllo today can count on a team of professionals with experience in both training, consulting and management at an international level, as well as on numerous established networks of relationships. The business model has always been devoted to collaboration and synergies and this ensures the ability to handle projects of different sizes by aggregating multidisciplinary skills and professionalism both nationally and internationally.

The company is headquartered at the Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico in Pordenone (FVG), a MISE-certified technology transfer center for Industry 4.0, a partner in numerous projects and of which it became an equity partner in 2021. It also has branch offices at partners in Milan and Rome.
Since 2020, the company has distinguished itself on the national scene by being a promoter of numerous initiatives in digital servitization awareness, training, and consulting.

In 2022, it strengthened its positioning with the entry into its capital of CONSIDI and Forza Vendis, a consulting firm specializing in accelerating the results of distribution and sales networks, and Dante Laudisa, co-author of the Paradigmix patent, a manager with multinational experience in distribution and marketing strategies particularly in the digital world.

The mission is to support clients in being more competitive through the enhancement of people, the introduction of managerial methodologies and the use of technology. The beacons that guide in working alongside the Client are ethics, professionalism, transparency, concreteness and sustainability.

Smart VCO

Since 2007, Smart VCO Consulting has been supporting companies to optimize the supply chain through consulting interventions and operational activities. It specializes in spend analysis, cost reduction in 30 expense areas and rationalization of supply chain processes: these are activities that generate additional EBITDA.

Medium and large industrial and commercial companies operating in different sectors, nationally and internationally, rely on Smart VCO to provide answers to specific business needs:

• Deliver value and efficiency in all processes involving logistics and purchasing
• Identifying savings opportunities and turning them into concrete results.

Smart VCO is ISO 9001 certified.

In 2022 it becomes part of the Considi Group.


Ergoal is a system integrator developing and implementing solutions for ergonomics and industrial process control, making use of Lean strategies and 4.0 technological solutions to optimize manual and semi-automatic work in the industrial process.

The lines developed by Ergoal enable us to ensure the client company an in-depth planned process and the operator a safe work environment fostering productivity. The approach underlying Ergoal’s method is UCD (User Centered design).

The client and the operator are involved in all stages of development, from a preliminary needs analysis to after-sales assistance, by way of offer design.



Industrial stations and lines for manual and semi-automatic processes.
Man at the center (user centered design).


Software/ Hardware systems for ergonomics and process control.
Research and development in advanced ergonomic devices (National and European research projects).


25 years of experience.
Chosen by important productive companies from all over the world .

Our partners


DNV is a worldwide leading certification body with origins dating back to 1864 and still present in more than 100 countries. 

DNV supports clients in risks management and in pursuing long term strategic objectives, improving ESG performance and generating lasting and sustainable results. Through the certification services of management systems, products and supply chains, it supports companies in different fields, including food & beverage.

DNV is structured in five areas of activity: 

  • maritime
  • oil & gas
  • energy
  • business assurance
  • software 

The widespread presence of DNV all over the world, encourages strong customer focus and efficient sharing of best practices and industry standards.

DNV solutions enable companies and partners to efficiently achieve high supply chain integrity. DNV supports its clients in the development of sustainable business performance and trust building by stakeholders. 

Glocal – Servizi alle imprese

Glocal was created in 2014 as a consulting society specialized in the practices of obtaining contributions and subsidies to businesses (subsidized finance). 

Since 2014 Glocal has followed hundreds of grant practices establishing itself in the reference market for quality and personalization of its service. 

In 2019 Glocal became LLC, consolidating its role in Veneto as a player in the world of consulting for contributions and subsidies to companies. 

To this day, the firm counts on a stand of internal consultants with expertise in designing and reporting under regional /national/ministerial calls as well as external consultants (engineers, auditors, agronomists etc…) with expertise relating to 4.0, Industry tax credits, etc… 

Over time, Glocal has started numerous partnerships and has assisted numerous professional firms, accountants, labor consultants and trade associations in obtaining grants and benefits on behalf of its clients /Associates. Therefore, by monitoring regional and national legislation we offer organizations the most suitable facilitation.

  • Non refundable aid
  • Interest subsidies
  • Tax incentives
  • Tax credits
  • Low-interest loans 

Our task is to advise and assist entrepreneurs and owners throughout the bureaucratic life cycle involved in grant obtaining. 

We take care of everything: from the drafting of loan application paperwork to feasibility studies up to the preparation of necessary reporting documents. 

Below is a short list of the main benefits / grants followed by the firm: 

  • I INAIL announcement
  • Nuova Sabatini
  • POR FESR Region Veneto
  • Industry 4.0: evaluations for tax credit regarding instrumental goods 4.0 (former hyper amortization)- rResearch and development, training bonus 4.0
  • Ministerial announcements
  • Trademarks, patents, designs




Globaltech develops consulting and technical training projects in the following areas:

  • Security
  • Business continuity
  • Safety
  • Management system 

GlobalTech stems from the synergical collaboration of different professionals combining their skills to provide integrated and complete solutions in the field of safety and corporate organization. Engineers, doctors, psychologists and security managers with many years of experience, in the public and private field, operate in the field. 


ProForB offers corporate integrated services thanks to the synergy of specific expertise.

The scopes of its expertise are: legal, labor law, tax, industrial property, contribution and grants search, business certifications of products and process and quality, safety and environment. 

GFG Avvocati

GFG is a team of lawyers created to ensure clients with the best legal assistance. The studio carries out its judicial and extrajudicial consulting activity in several areas of civil and criminal law. Synergy, ongoing updating, experience and discussion are the strengths of the studio.

We are characterized by a specific competence in different subjects: civil liability, damages and compensation, labour law, contracts, administrative liability of institutions (Legislative Decree 231/2001), consulting in privacy issue, criminal law assistance.

We endorse, besides the due professional bond, a relationship of mutual trust ensuring the client an open and direct contact with the professional. In the management of business dynamics we adopt a proactive approach resulting from a solid experience and not merely related to knowledge of Law. 


Founded in 1982 as Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) by the three largest North American automotive OEMs, AIAG is a unique non-profit organization, gathering together companies from the mobility industry sharing the goal of reducing costs and complexity in the supply chain. Membership includes leading global mobility manufacturers, their component suppliers, service providers, associated global organizations and government entities. 

Since its beginnings, AIAG membership has grown to over 4,000 member companies, including global OEMs such as GM, Boeing, Toyota, Tesla, Honda, Polaris, Volkswagen, Caterpillar, PACCAR, BAE Systems, Nissan, Oshkosh, Stellantis, Rivian , AM General, Deere and Co., Ryder and many of their parts suppliers including Adient, ZF, Aptive, Bosch, Tenneco, Continental, Magna, Lear, Dana, Freudenberg, to name a few. 

We promote our goals primarily by publishing standards and offering educational conferences and training. Our member companies donate volunteer time to work at AIAG in an open, legal, non-competitive forum that aims at developing recommendations, guidelines and best practices for the overall benefit of the mobility industries. Each year, over 900 volunteers provide expertise to AIAG initiatives in the areas of manufacturing quality, supply chain and corporate responsibility.