Have you ever wondered if your company is “safe” ? And what does this word, “safety”, mean in the corporate and organizational world today?
Safety is a wide concept that in the past years has been associated with an ever increasing number of issues, considering the technological and digital development of organizational processes. As a matter of fact, t we talk about safety of employees in the workplace, information security, computer security, personal data security. Creating a “safe” workplace is a key factor in company growth as safety shouldn’t only be a target of compliance but also a tool to ensure the company an effective development in the long term.
Mixa’s services in the area “Safety and Secutity” focus on business continuity, achieved through the development in Organizations of a strategical approach aimed at ensuring operative continuity of processes and activities. Basically the ability to continue providing services / products at pre-defined acceptable levels even after incidents. Mixa can offer a tailored program to guide clients towards complete compliance.
Business continuity: “Process to identify potential threats to which a given organization is exposed and to define the processes necessary to ensure the resilience of the structure following the occurrence of diverse conditions, to secure operations, interests and image of the company”
Our technical team identifies and supports organizations first of all in the application of mandatory regulations (safety/environment check up, adjustment plan..). Successively it guides clients with strategies and approaches (implementation of certified management systems and procedures) to minimize risks, identify possible threats and recognize the most appropriate countermeasure to zeroing or at least minimizing them.
In this context Organizations are becoming increasingly aware of how essential it is to increase the “culture of prevention”, risk analysis, incident analysis and learning from mistakes. All these elements affect ongoing improvement, productivity and corporate economic development.
A safe company is a growing company!
How can we
help you
• ISO 45001 Safety
• ISO 27001 Secure Information
• ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety
• GDPR Safety
• Consolidated Act on Safety – Legislative decree 81/08 : compliance, assessments and analysis
• Consolidated Act on Environment – Legislative decree 152/06 : compliance, assessments and environmental regulations
• HACCP , Food Defense (PCQI)
• ADR transport of hazardous waste
• Assuming office RSPP – Prevention and Protection Service Manager
• Cyber Security